Here is how to save Ghana's economy during COVID-19

It’s been about a month since I arrived in the US from Ghana. I came for a gig and speaking opportunities that would have allowed me to promote my book about Africa and identity, Should I Return.

Since being stateside, I have been building new skills, reading - just finished Trevor Noah’s amazing book, Born A Crime - , and working on new mediums of content distribution, including building my mailing list and starting my YouTube Channel.

Perhaps the one thing I have been doing most consistently is following developments in Ghana via WhatsApp groups and status updates from friends and family there. A series of status updates that resonated deeply with me this weekend were those from my friend and fellow Ghanaian business consultant, Moses Gbeku, on how Ghana’s government could save Ghana’s economy during this time. Moses leads business development and strategy for many large and medium-sized enterprises in Ghana and across the region. He wrote the following policy recommendations that could potentially save Ghanaian businesses and workers:

WhatsApp Image 2020-03-23 at 4.05.17 PM.jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2020-03-23 at 4.05.21 PM.jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2020-03-23 at 4.05.22 PM.jpeg

What are your thoughts on Moses’ suggestions? What would you do differently, add, or takeaway?

News out today on the virus in Africa is entirely grim. Headlines read:

Africa faces a coronavirus catastrophe

Coronavirus: “We’ve gone from looming threat to looming disaster”

News articles about the devastating impact of the health and economic impact of COVID-19 abound. Very few provide suggestions, ideas, insights on how to weather this storm, either on a grassroots level or from the top, down. And perhaps none spell out specific steps that could have a direct impact on people’s lives. Suggestions like those by Moses could help.

I am hoping that after the Ghanaian government contains the health situation, there might be more direct economic policy, especially those that positively support the average worker, and even the great numbers of unemployed youth, at this time.

What do you think? What suggestions do you have? In my first Youtube video, I discussed leading in a time of crisis. Sharing thoughtful suggestions from your area of expertise at this time could be one of the ways in which you do so.

Feel free to leave your comments below. Happy to read and chat.